Although it occupies the fourth place on Chinese juice market, taking up 7% of the market shares, but the rate of return for shareholders is the poorest in the industry. 虽然其在中国果汁饮料市场位居第四名,市场占有率达7%但股东回报率仍然是同业中最差。
But until this shift takes place, activist reserve managers could have a pervasive influence on the foreign exchange market. 但在这种转变发生之前,激进的储备管理机构对外汇市场的影响无处不在。
This decision to establish our RD presence in Northern Europe reflects the importance we place on the European market, the company said in a statement. 三星在一份声明中说,在北欧建立研发机构的这一决定反映出我们对于欧洲市场的重视。
Among the positives: Mortgage servicers have been putting the infrastructure in place to deal with defaults; losses on the loans have been steady and could get smaller; and the housing market looks like it could be turning the corner. 各种利好因素包括:抵押贷款服务商一直在建立机制应对违约情况;贷款损失金额比较稳定,并有可能减少;住房市场出现复苏迹象。
When other importers place their goods on the market, we have sold ours at profitable prices. 当其他进口商将货物投放市场时,我们已经以盈利价格售出了我们的货。
Instead will I place my uniqueness on display in the market place. 相反,我要把自己的独特之处在商场中展示。
Who sold that place down by the lake that had been on the market two years? 是谁卖掉那栋坐落在湖边费时2年还卖不掉的房子?
To have to locate [ a stock to borrow] or have the borrow in place, that has an automatic damping effect on the market, he said. 他表示:必须确定(有股票可以借入)或已借入股票,这会对市场产生自动阻尼效应。
That process reached its conclusion yesterday when miners and steelmakers ditched the system of annual contracts and long negotiations that had been in place since the 1960s for new short-term deals based on the spot market. 昨日,这件事终于有了定论。矿商和钢铁生产商放弃了从上世纪60年代起实施的长时间谈判和签署年度合约的制度,转而按照现货市场行情来签署新的短期协议。
If we place our goods on the market at a time when all other importers have already sold their goods at profitable prices, we shall lose out. 如果在我们把商品投放到市场上去的时候,别的进口商已经把商品脱手赚钱了,那我们就亏了。
Strengthen buyer sanction, return the action that can control place of on the market a few everybody to like not quite and phenomenon, encircle Qian Hefa for instance travel price is exorbitant. 增强买方约束力,还可以抑制市场上一些大家所不太喜欢的行为和现象,比如圈钱和发行价格过高。
Better Place believes that electric vehicles will be accepted on the mass market only if its batteries can be decoupled, making the cars cheaper and easier to drive on long trips. BetterPlace相信,只有配备了可拆卸的电池,电动汽车才会被大众市场接受,因为这样能降低汽车售价,并使其更适合长途旅行。
Vain attempts to imitate others no longer will I make, instead will I place my uniqueness on display in the market. 我不再徒劳地模仿别人,而要展示自己的个性。
Under the guiding principle to be innovative and practical at the same time, hhd's approach seeks to provide proper design response in relation to time and place, with emphasis on respect for the urban context, the natural environment, and the market and economic forces. 遵循创新和务实的原则,充分尊重城市文脉、地理环境和经济技术条件,保持平实的创作心态,做因时、因地、得体的设计。
Capital controls may at present place restrictions on the ability of offshore market participants to take either long or short positions. 目前,资本管制可能会限制境外市场参与者做多头或空头交易的能力。
Taking total quantity control and structure readjustment as its guiding principle, the hospital has effectively contained the rise in medical expenses and reduced the economic burdens of the patients, thus winning a place for itself on the market. 以总量控制,结构调整为指导,有效控制了医药费用的增长,减轻了病人的经济负担,赢得了市场;
Currently, China's Capital market structure has seriously imbalance between Stock market and Bond market, which place restrictions on the original effection of Capital market. 我国的资本市场目前存在着比较严重的结构失衡问题,这将制约资本市场发挥其应有的作用。
The product strategy, price strategy, place strategy and promotion strategy are put forward on the aimed market. 确定了具体的目标市场,提出了商业性的人身保险公司针对目标人群的产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略。
We argue that it is essential for modern universities to strive to create their unique advantage. Competition takes place in the specific resources market and the formation of competitive advantage is built on the maximum satisfaction of the needs of the market as well as the consumers. 竞争是一定资源市场内的竞争,竞争优势的形成建立在对市场需求主体需求最大程度满足之上。
It created the condition for making a good working condition and comfortable residence place and it takes on a good industrial prospect and the market demand. 为营造一个良好的工作环境和温馨舒适的居家场所创造了条件,具有很好的产业化前景和市场需求量。
As far as the development of television is concerned, it is closely related to the history of television& it is a reaction on television's trends of being common place and entertaining, and an innovation of TV programmes on the market. 从电视自身的发展背景看,它是对电视故事化、日常化和娱乐化要求的反应,是市场化背景下电视节目创新的一种表现形式,并与电视节目的发展过程紧密相关。
Place reasonable restrictions on the use of market mechanisms in civil law arising from the need to protect the special interests of the person; 出于人的保护的要求,对民法中关于市场机制的运用进行合理的限制;
In the first place, this paper simply describes the concrete behavior and motives of stabilization, the relationship between underpricing and it, also makes a study of underwriters 'stabilization on IPO in the domestic and international stock market and describes the detailed test methods of stabilization. 首先,本文对承销商托市的具体行为、其与新股折价发行的关系以及托市动机进行讨论,并综述国内外关于IPO承销商托市的研究,对研究方法进行理论上的阐述。
With the going deep of our country electric power system reform large adjusts will occur on the industrial chain of construction of electric power projects. Large changes will take place on the circumstance and orientation of market of electric power design corporations. 随着我国电力体制改革的不断深化,电力工程建设的产业链将发生较大的调整,电力设计单位的市场环境、市场定位都将发生较大的变化。
But at the same time, the futures market is a place where all types of risks concentrated on, the risks origin from the uncertainty of the factors which affect the futures market. 但是与此同时,期货市场也是一个各种风险高度集中的场所,其风险产生于影响市场的各种因素的不确定性。
The banking must change their way of operation and improve its international competitiveness. In this way, Chinese banking will win a place on the world stage in this opening time of financial market. 这就需要银行自身调整经营方式,增强它的国际竞争力,这样才能在金融市场开放时代在世界的舞台上占到一席之地。
The governments of these regions place more emphasis on the self-adjustment of the market and they mainly use the indirect measures to regulate real estate market in order to overcome real estate market failure. 政府比较看重房地产市场自身的调节机制,对房地产市场的规制以间接手段为主,目的主要是为了克服房地产市场失灵现象。
The existing theoretical and empirical researches limit to the analysis of the cause, consequence and meaning of the market, but place few emphasis on the microeconomics of transaction process of the market. 已有的研究无论是理论分析,还是实证研究,局限于对公司控制权市场存在的原因、结果和意义的分析,而忽略了控制权交易发生时的微观行为分析。
Information exchanges, which take place on certain market, are likely to restrict members 'independence on decision-making, impose influence on operators outside the system, or change the original market conditions and eliminate the uncertainty of the market, eventually damage the normal competition order. 但发生在特定市场中的信息交换也极有可能对成员的自主决策权形成拘束,或对团体外的其他经营者产生影响,或者改变自然的市场环境、减少竞争的不确定性而最终损害市场秩序。